Carrington Public School is located in the inner city area of Newcastle. Since its inception in 1873, the school has had a long history of providing quality education for its students. The suburb of Carrington is close to industry, recreation, the Newcastle Harbour and is in the process of experiencing urban renewal.
In 2023, there are 138 students enrolled. This includes twenty-one students with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island descent and sixteen students who have English as an additional language or dialect.
Carrington Public School has a strong commitment to personalised learning through quality literacy and numeracy programs. Our student wellbeing practices are based on Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) and our core values are Be Safe, Be respectful and Be a learner. The school prides itself on providing wide ranging opportunities for all students to succeed including an annual Creative Arts Performance and Art Expression - student art exhibition.
Carrington Public School enjoys the support of its parent body, with an active P&C. Strong community partnerships exist between the school and the broader Carrington community, enabling access to resources, expertise and facilities from within the community. Community consultation was sought throughout 2020 around the programs our school offers, future strategic directions and school vision. Feedback from community members has helped shaped this school plan.
The Muloobinbah Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group and the school enjoy a productive and cooperative relationship. The guiding voice of Muloobinbah LAECG has ensured Aboriginal community voice is represented within this plan. To continue this highly valued partnership, the school will engage in evaluative conversations semesterly throughout the life of this plan.
Through our situational analysis, we have identified the need for a continued emphasis on embedding quality teaching practices in literacy and numeracy. Through high impact professional learning opportunities and employing evidenced based teaching strategies we will work to achieve our aspirational 2025 improvement measures. By enhancing our wellbeing practices we will ensure that students are engaged and connected with their learning.
Mr James McGill